Low Cost Dental Care
The Knox Clinic Dental Program offers low cost dental care for those who qualify Tuesday-Friday from 8:30 am-4:30 pm. Priority is given to those who need dental care for the control of pain and infection, or to improve employability, and to children in need. There is a waiting list.
What do we provide?
- Exams, cleanings, and X-rays by a dental hygienist
- Fillings and extractions with a part time staff dentist, local volunteer dentists, or by referral to the dentists at Waldo County Dental Care in Belfast
- Acrylic partials and dentures at reduced rates for those who qualify
*The Dental Program does not provide emergency services*
Who qualifies?
- You live in Knox County, Waldoboro, or Lincolnville –If you are not a resident of Knox County, you might find a program that you qualify for in this guide published by the Maine Center for Disease Control & Prevention (“Dental Clinics and Services for Maine Residents“) (pdf)
- Your familiy’s earnings are at or below 200% of federal poverty guidelines — click here for guidelines.
- You are either on MaineCare or do NOT have private dental insurance
- You are between the ages of 1 and 55 years old. If you are over 55 years old you must be working at least 20 hours a week.
If you do not qualify for our dental program, please call us at 207-593-1699 for other resources.
How do I set up an appointment?
- Fill out an Application Form below and return it to the Knox Clinic, 22 White St. Rockland, ME 04841. The Knox Clinic will then schedule an appointment for you.
To Get an Application: We have updated our applications, if you have downloaded an application before, please refresh your webpage so you are sure to get the newest version.
- Click Here to print an ADULT Dental Application. (pdf)
- Click Here to print a CHILD Dental Application. (pdf)
- Call the Knox Clinic at 207-680-4545, leave your name and mailing address and an application will be mailed to you
- Stop by the Knox Clinic or the Dental office and pick one up
The Dental Program office is at 1019 Commercial Street (Rt. 1) in Rockport. The direct phone number to the dental office is 207-593-1699.
How much does it cost?
- Fee Changes as of February 1, 2022*• $5 hygiene (cleaning) appointments, kids up to age 12• $20 hygiene for up to 100% federal poverty guidelines (fpg)**, ages 13 & up• $40 hygiene for 101 to 200% fpg, ages 13 & up• $10 Exam by dentist, all patients up to 200% fpg• $40 restoration appointment (fillings etc.), all patients up to 200% fpg*If you feel you are unable to pay these fees please talk to our staff
** Federal Poverty Guidelines change annually, please ask at the front desk for more information